代理產品  Products


American Technical Ceramics Co.


Multilayer Capacitors, Single Layer Capacitors, Resistor Products, Inductors, Custom Thin Film Products and LTCC Products for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications.

DowKey Microwave Corporation


Broad range of catalog microwave switches and RF coaxial relays operating from DC to 18.5GHz, custom switches to 26.5 GHz, switch attenuators, waveguide switches (operating to 60 GHz), switch matrices and other unique switch assemblies.  [More..]

eclipse microwave, inc.


A wide selection of microwave products for the military, space and wireless communication markets.  Standard products include Microwave Mixers, Iso-Mixers, Image Reject Mixers, I-Q Modulators, Frequency Doublers, Frequency Doubler-Amplifiers, Microwave Detectors,  Threshold Detectors, Limiter Detectors, Isodetector, Pin Diode Limiters, Iso-Limiters, and Pin Attenuators. [More...]

Flann Microwave Ltd.


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Waveguide Related Products [More...]

Hybond, Inc.


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Wire Bonders & Die Bonders [More..]

JFW Industries, Inc.


Fixed Attenuators, Power Dividers, Manual Variable Attenuators and Terminations. [More..]

K&L Microwave, Inc.


Military & commercial filters from DC to 94 GHz including Cavity, Ceramic, Waveguide, Tunable filters [More...]


LNAs, Power amps, Multipliers, Up/Down converters and Transceivers from 1 Ghz to 40 Ghz and from few mill watts to 40 watts.

Pole/Zero Corporation


RF filters to control this cosite related problem. With its full line of digitally tunable RF filters including the Bandpass filters (MicroPole, MiniPole, MaxiPole, PowerPole, and MegaPole), Notch filters, and Integrated Cosite Equipment (ICE) Pole/Zero can effectively solve most interference issues.

Quest Microwave Inc.


Circulators and Isolators including Waveguide units, Iso-adapters, Iso-hybrid combiners and Multi-junctions.  [More..]

Synergy Microwave Corporation 


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RF Signal Processing Components


旋轉接頭, 相位偏移器, 濾波器, 雙工器, 多工器, 混相器, 耦合器, 分配器, 調平器, 混頻器, 限幅器
Rotary Joints, Phase Shifters, Filters, Diplexers, Multiplexers, Hybrids, Couplers, Dividers, Equalizers, Mixers, Limiters